Saturday, August 27, 2011

Week 4 Publishing - Leadership Project

There are so many wonderful and interesting conferences available for presentation of our projects. The two that I have chosen to apply to are:

 My first choice would be the I teach K! National Kindergarten Teacher Conference conference. Being a Kindergarten teacher, I would love to present for this conference. It is known as one of the most sought out conferences to attend and it would be a worthwhile opportunity. In order to present, I must do the following:fill out the presenter application and send them the requested materials. Once these are received, they will notify me if they are interested. Once notified, I will have to do a dry run of my presentation for them to observe. If they are interested then I will be able to present. They normally inform you of their decision within 2 months after receiving all information and materials.

My second choice would be CEC | CEC Convention & Expo
This is the Council for Exceptional Children. This would be a worthwhile experience because you will be presenting to educators of all students and from all over the United States. I have presented with my school in 2002 and it was a worthwhile experience! In order to present, I must do the following: Submit a 300- 500 word proposal online.

Here is a link to my keynote presentation:HOPE- Helping Our Parents Educate Keynote Presentation

Week 4-Wimba Archive

The CBR project has been like a maze but the end is in sight!

I watched Wimba this week and wow, a lot of awesome projects were presented!!! Great job everyone!!! I wish I could have been there as planned but thanks to the weather, I am in Delaware and on Tuesday, we had an earthquake and now we are bracing for Hurricane Irene, our Welcome to School night was changed to Thursday night! Now, our first day of school has been cancelled for Monday already, thanks to Irene!

I sent my presentation to two of my classmates. Here are their comments:

fromHeidi Faber
tocindy price <>
dateSat, Aug 27, 2011 at 1:12 AM
subjectRe: powerpoint
Important mainly because of the people in the conversation.
hide details 1:12 AM (14 hours ago)

Wow! good job. You blow my 8 little slides away :)

I like the slide theme and pictures. I liked the cartoon.

I didn't see any speaker notes so come of the bullets and material in your slides didn't make sense because I didn't know what you wanted to say about them. For example, the graphs...I saw there were increases, but I don't know those assessments so I wasn't getting the full effect of your achievements. 

A couple of the slides had ALOT of information on them. It would more well received to have less on the slide (highlights) and give the full information verbally, using speaker notes. (example: slides 10 and 14)
Also, with slide 10 and 14, the font is noticeably different. It is best to keep it consistent.

Also, instead of having the whole URL on your slides, use a key word in the text and create a hyperlink that you can just click on and that way the gobbledy-gook or those long URLs won't distract your audience.

Good Luck and thanks for the comments on my presentation.

Heidi Faber

fromCheryl McGovern
tocindy price <>
dateFri, Aug 26, 2011 at 9:32 PM
subjectRe: powerpoint
Important mainly because of your interaction with messages in the conversation.
hide details 9:32 PM (18 hours ago)

Cindy: Here is the feedback for your keynote.  I don't know if the teacher will need a copy or not, but if you think so, you can send this to him also if you want.

Your theme choice and colors are really nice.
Your opening slide has a nice touch that parents will really like.
Slide #3 needs a capital letter on one of the bullets.  Your cartoon is really awesome.
Slide #6 needs a capital letter on one of the bullets.  Your parent picture is a cute touch.
Slide #7 needs a check on the youtube spelling.
Slide #9 needs a capital letter on one of the bullets.
Slides #10 & #14 you might want to consider using the blue font like the rest of the presentation instead of the black.

Hope this helps.  Please be sure to send me your feedback on my presentation.  You can access it through my blog. Thanks. Cheryl

I have some work to do on my presentation, but thanks to their imput, I have a clear view of what I need to do before the hurricane hits and I have no power!

For those of my classmates who are in Irene's path, Be Safe!!!!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Week 4- Reading Comment #2- Cheryl's Blog

Week 4-Free Post-PLP

my leadership keynote

Let me start by saying that anyone in our emdt cohort at this time in our program knows that I strive to be "Johnny On The Spot" with my assignments.  Being late or running the wire is just not my style.  I usually have had my blogs done by Monday.  Today is Thursday, and I am still working, so it tells you how my week has gone! Besides having an absolutely CRAZY week at work, I have also been having panic attacks over this leadership project! I really couldn't decide which route to take.  I am very uncomfortable standing up in front of a bunch of strangers, but I also feel like my writing is not of a publishing caliber.  Big dilemma.  After agonizing over all of this for quite some time, I decided to go with the presentation and really stretch myself.  I am going to apply to present at the FAME (Florida Association of Media in Education) conference. I have been a FAME member in the past, but due to budget cuts, that was taken away from me, as well as the opportunity to attend the conference, so I thought this would be my best chance.  I have at this point gotten the keynote done, and now I need to add my speaker notes.  Getting the keynote together I am positive took much longer than my speaker notes will.  For this I am thankful.  I will see you all tonight, and share my ideas with you.  Until then, know that you can do it! I am rooting for all of you! Cheryl


Cindy Price said...
Cheryl, Being a team member of yours throughout this program, I can vouch for the fact that ypu are usually "Johnny on the spot!" I have to admit that I was quite surprised to see your lateness in your posting. I thought oh my, she is following in my shoes! Ha Ha Ha LOL!!!! Seriously, I have had the same type of week! I think it is awesome that you are going to present to locals (same state). You have a lot to offer to the Florida media educators!!! I wish you luck!!!

Week 4- Reading comment #1 Tiffany's post

Week 4 reading: It's Just Better That Way
Our society today has changed drastically from what it was before. So many people use cell phones as a means of communication and even to handle business. I had to learn the hard way that some things just really need to be done in person. I love the story that he told about his father and how he father taught him a valuable lesson: "Some things are just better to handle in person". When texting no one knows your true emotion or how you said it so in the long run it can lead to more trouble when you could have just met up with the person to have the conversation.

I love this fact he stated in this book which says "I am the framework for everything that happens in my life". I work at an Elementary school and we all know that these grade level students are always quick to blame someone else when caught doing something wrong. In actuality, we as adults still have this problem sometimes. We blame someone else so that we can feel right!! I wish that he would have took the story from a different standpoint like this when talking about the car wreck issue. So here is my way of describing this story: A drunken, young girl immediately slams on her brakes to stop for a car in front of her and the person riding behind this young girl runs into the back of her car. In North Carolina if you hit someone from behind you are at fault regardless. If you look at the story, the person that would automatically be blamed in a line up is the drunken, young girl because she is drunk. So we must remember that we are the framework for everything that happens in our lives. We control ourselves!

Last but not least, Love is neither about self-determination nor sacrifice. It is a context in which two people build the life they want together. In a marriage, we may have to sacrifice some but the most important part is that we are building a life together and the more you build the happier you are as a unit.
Posted by Tiffany Tyndall at 5:34 AM
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 Cindy Price said...

Being a Kindergarten teacher, I experience the blaming of others on a minute by minute basis. it is amazing how they go from telling on themselves at the toddler stage to transferring the blame onto others at the Kindergarten age.

We must remember that all of our actions have an opposite and equal reaction. Think before you act!! There are always consequences, good or bad!!!!

Great post!!!!!
August 26, 2011 2:09 PM 

Week 4- Reading The Art of Possibility

We must make our activities desirable to others, as desirable as a banana is to a monkey!

I have to say that I absolutely loved this book. At first I was skeptical but the further into the bok I got, the more I enjoyed it!!! This book could be related to all of our lives in one way or another, especially if you are in education.

The authors made a great point about using we instead of I. This is something we all need to learn to do. We are all in it together, good or bad. In order to be successful, collaboration and teamwork is needed.

Enrolling or sparking others is a must. Educators should create a spark in their students. To get anyone to do anything, we must create a desire in them. Make it endearing and intriguing. Our students must be provided with an anticipatory strategy to hook them in. As with any activity, the participants must be reeled in hook line and sinker. They must want to participate.

This is a must read for any educator! I firmly believe that this book will be beneficial for all of those in the world of education from administrators to educators to paraprofessionals.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Week 4 Think aloud!

Overcoming the hurdle of presenting! Can I do it??
I am so stressed and worried about this leadership project and whether or not to present or be published! There are pros and cons to both. The major con to presenting is that I am scared to death of speaking in front of adults. I can talk to kids all day but stand in front of adults and I stutter and perspire immensely! What to do? What to do? I should present to overcome my fear of crowds, so I am leaning towards presenting!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Week 3 Wimba Archive

This is how I feel when I think about presenting my project. I feel like I am diving into the deep end of a pool!!!!!!!

I have to admit the way I was feeling when I entered the week 3 Wimba archive was fear and confused. The leadership project seems to be quite intimidating. I am glad that there was time allotted to explain what is expected of us and how we will be sharing these in week 4. The explanation as well as the questions from Richard and Cheryl cleared up many of my misconceptions and misunderstandings.

The abstract explanation and directions were well received. I needed this as well. I was having a difficult time starting this abstract. I have a hard time keeping things short, sweet and to the point. But after hearing what is expected and how to format the abstract, I believe that it is not as difficult as I feared it will be!

The discussion of the book was interesting. I was surprised to see that there were some who liked the chapter about giving everyone an A. I have to admit that that was my least favorite chapter. I thoroughly enjoyed the chapter about being a contribution. Overall, I have enjoyed the entire book!!!

Once again, this week was informative and helpful. It has alleviated many of my fears. I have to admit though, that my fear of presenting or getting my project published probably will never lessen or go away!