Sunday, August 21, 2011

Week 3 Response #2 to Marco's Blog

Week 3 Free Choice: Being a teacher

After being out of a job for a little over six years due to illness I recently started working again. Last Tuesday I began working as a sixth grade teacher in a private school here in Puerto Rico. This is my first experience as a teacher so I am learning as I go. Lesson number one is that the hours are very long. This is no regular 9 to 5 where you clock in and out and that’s the end of the workday. Here you have to take work home with you. Lesson number two is that patience is a virtue. Kids will try to see what they can get away with and keep pushing until they realize what they can and cannot get away with. Lesson number three is that rest is a luxury. The hours are very long and the rest is very short. After all, once you get out of school you have to start preparing for the next day. The reason why being a teacher is not a job most people would even consider is because it is not a mere job; it is a vocation. It is something you do because you love it.

Picture by Thomas Barwick

Cindy Price said...
Marcos, I am so glad that you have joined us in this rewarding yet grueling career! The hours are long but the results are worth every minute that you spend. You will be rewarded when you gat the first aha moment from your students, the smiles when they are enjoying their lessons and satisfaction they show when they have created and presented an awesome project! Middle school years I feel are the toughest. All the changing hormones and attitudes but it is no less rewarding or fulfilling then elementary! Just remember to incorporate all the cool things we have learned throughout this program. Wow them with technology!!! They will enjoy it and learn at the same time!! Congratulations and good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!

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