Sunday, August 14, 2011

Week #2 Reading: The Art of Possibility

When I began this book, I have to admit I was skeptical. I started out thinking, great another self help book that is going to explain that we must see the glass half full not empty in order to be successful in both of our personal and professional lives. I was wrong. The further along I got the more I realized what a beneficial and inspiring book this actually is.

I thoroughly enjoyed the many stories that the authors used to get their points across. I loved the white water rafting story and her toes to nose and look for the boat. The way she took that one experience and turned it into a life lesson and a way to look at one's life is amazing. I love the way she took this experience and now refers to not knowing what track you are on as being out of the boat instead of being out of your mind or a failure!!!!

The frog and perception was another part of the book I enjoyed. we all have sensations and perceptions it is our minds mapping that allows us to take these and create our ideas and assumptions. I think it would be beneficial for ll of us at times to be like the Me'en people. There are no photographs so they must rely on themselves and their own perceptions. No preconceived notions. What a wonderful way to live.

I had trouble with giving everyone an A. Being an educator, I took this in a different sense at first. All I could think of was the lack of work my students would do if they just received an A right off the bat. This should be a goal they work at or strive to achieve. After reading the chapter and sitting back and reflecting on it I understand where the authors are coming from and if I no longer make assumptions and look at things from other perspectives then I could do this with more ease.

Overall, I loved the book so far. It provides the reader with a plethora of anecdotes to illustrate the author's purpose. It is a book of what my parents have taught me throughout my lifetime and what I am trying to teach my daughter- do not take things at face value, it is not half empty- it is half full, take chances- try new things- look at life with the idea of what can I do to make my life more full and successful- and preconceived notions are not always helpful or should be relied on in order to make the best of your life!

 I chose to include this video because it shows the way my three year old enjoys life- no preconceived notions- nothing but exuberance, innocence and happiness! I give her an A!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for sharing. Funny how the little ones can be the best example of what it means to be happy. Wonderful.
